Startup/Move into BIC

Graduation / Eviction procedure


  • Graduated from the start-up childcare center if the occupant:
  • Technology development or prototyping reaching the self-reliance stage
  • Expiration of occupancy contract period


  • In the following cases, the occupancy contract may be terminated and the tenant may be evicted even before the expiration date of the occupancy contract period:
  • If the prospects for start-ups are unclear or the business in the business plan is not implemented;
  • If it differs from the start-up team’s occupancy contract,
  • In the case of damaging the education and research activities of this university due to the generation of noise and odors, and the inhibition of good wind flow;
  • If the university has been defamed by violation of these regulations or improper activities,
  • If a vacancy is operated for more than three months without any special reason,